Monday, November 28, 2011

"Chugging Along"

It was finally time for our 1st ultrasound visit since I begun my injections. We were feeling extremely confident. I've always done well in this department so I was actually just excited to get that lucky number. So my hubby and I roll up to the doctor's office on the positive train and prop myself up in those mighty stirrups. It takes a brief minute for the doc to count...maybe too brief. We hear him out loud saying 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. That's it??? I was sure we would of had it least 10. I tried to remain seated in that positive train but I could feel that all too familiar feeling setting in...disappointment. I could then feel myself getting upset with myself for feeling disappointed. We leave the office and have a lil pep talk huddle with each other, so within moments we were back chugging along on our positive train. I then take the shots for two more days before another untrasound. This time we get the lucky number 7. My husband was feeling very optimistic about this number and I have to say I was too. Maybe I'll have quality over quantity. There was just one concern, they were growing at at a slow pace or we like to think of them as not quite ripe enough. Those lil guys were just taking their sweet lil time. Maybe they just need a little more time to marinate before they became juicy grade A huevos. 
Needless to say my huevos took A LOT of time marinating, which meant more moolah for drugs and my poor body wigging out after an extensive amount of time being on hormones. My cycle actually ran as long as an average cycle can go. I could feel myself beginning to break. The negative and worrisome thoughts began shooting at me from all angles. I could not shake them. My moods were like a roller-coaster, up and down and all around. It was exhausting!!! Our FINAL ultrasound arrives and we receive the final tally....10!!!!!! Woo-hoo!!!!!! We were ecstatic and relieved that everything finally proves to be working out so far. I am officially ready for them to retrieve those eggies and get them cooking! On to the next hurdle...


  1. Hi Goodson! Not sure if you will see this message but I feel so bad leaving you hanging. U were always so kind & supportive. Needless to say it took me a year to come back to this blog. It's been a rough road. Unfortunately we did not get preggo w-iVF but I am happy that we still have some baby huevos frozen. So we r waiting for the right time to get back on the saddle. I want to make sure I'm in the right state of mind. I just wanted to say thanks for all your kind words. Have a nice day. :)
