Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover"

My husband calls me from work eagerly to tell me he took the liberty of setting an appt with another infertility doctor. To my surprise I was very pleased to see my husband take initiative. Right off the bat we saw a couple of very positive aspects regarding this clinic. For one, they are located fairly close to where we live. Two, there prices were very competitive. They even had packages and combos. It was almost like ordering a combo meal from Mickey D's. "Yes-I'll take the IVF Combo A, supersized but hold the gender selection and assisted hatching, thank you"! Could it be that easy? The day had finally arrived and we were very eager and hopeful that this appointment will be a better experience. But....to be on the safe side my jewelry stayed at home and purse remained locked in the trunk safely. As we pull up to the address on our GPS, I could feel the mood shift as we slowly turned to look at each other. Could this be right? Talk about polar opposites. We just went from "Beverly Hills" to "Crack Alley".  Needless to say, not the most attractive facility. We contemplated not stopping and hitting the gas but we decided to keep an open mind. You never know, there are good doctors in the "not so nice" areas too right? We walk in and my immediate reaction was...am I being punked right now? Ashton...where are you??? Let's just say it wasn't the Four Seasons. However the receptionist was very sweet. Maybe a lil loopy and not as polished as the phembots at the first clinic but very likable. They call us in promptly and waited very little for the doc to come in. To our surprise, the interview was painless. He did confirm on some of what Dr. Evil said about my ovaries. He proceeded with further explanation on what could possibly be going on in there. To simplify terms, he explains that my ovaries are "lazy". Really? Great! Now my ovaries are old, crusty and now lazy? Geeeez! Can a sista get a break? My ovaries are feeling personally attacked right about now. However he was very professional and personable. His approach to our needs was a breathe of fresh air. The interview concludes and then we meet with his office coordinator. Talk about the sweetest, most compassionate person I have have come across in this field. We definitely did not feel like we were being "sold" on anything. She actually talked us out of buying a supersized combo meal and the procedure will in fact be done in Beverly Hills. The icing on the cake is they waived our consultation co-pay when Dr. Evil in fact charged both of us a co-pay. We definitely felt good vibes but we are gonna do our due diligence and give a couple more doctors a shot. NEXT!


  1. "It was almost like ordering a combo meal from Mickey D's. "Yes-I'll take the IVF Combo A, supersized but hold the gender selection and assisted hatching, thank you"!"

    Ha!! New follower off of BlogFrog... I'll be crossing my fingers that you find a great RE who can help you out!
